Navenby Substation Consultation Feedback Form

National Grid Electricity Transmission is consulting on proposals to build a new substation in the local area approximately 1.4km from Navenby, Lincolnshire.

We are seeking your views on our proposals. Your feedback is important in helping us to develop our proposals and all feedback received will be recorded and considered as we further shape our plans.

You can provide feedback during this consultation by completing this hard copy feedback form or by filling in a hard copy of the feedback form. You are welcome to answer all or only some of the questions in this feedback form, depending on the issues that are most important to you.

There is also an opportunity to comment generally on the project and this consultation.

Data privacy notice

National Grid is committed to protecting your personal information. Whenever you provide such information, we are legally obliged to use it in line with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How will National Grid Electricity Transmission use the information we collect about you?

We will use your personal data collected via this consultation for a number of purposes, including:

  • to analyse your feedback to the consultation
  •  to keep up-to-date records of our communications with individuals and organisations.

Any personal information you include in this form will be handled and used by (or made available to) the following recipients to record, analyse and report on the feedback we receive:

  • National Grid Electricity Transmission
  • Local Planning Authority
  • our legal advisers and
  • consultants working on the proposed Navenby substation

What rights do I have over my personal data?

Under the terms of the UK GDPR you have certain rights over how your personal data is retained and used by National Grid Electricity Transmission.For more information, see our full data privacy statement

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Survey Closes 16 Oct 2024

Our proposals for a new substation in Navenby

Please review the information and map on our website showing a high-level overview of our proposed Navenby Substation. These are indicative proposals and are subject to change.


National Grid Electricity Transmission has a Community Grant Programme available to charitable and non-for-profit organisations to apply for funding for community-based initiatives of up to £20,000 per application in locations where our construction works are taking place. You can read more about that at national