TfSE Virtual SIP Consultation 11th July 2022
11 July 2022 — 10:00 - 11:30
11 July 2022 — 10:00 - 11:30Following the publication of our transport strategy in 2020, Transport for the South East have been embarking on the production of an ambitious 30-year strategic investment plan for improving transport in the South East.
The last twelve months has been busy as we have worked closely with expert partners from across the region, looking at a local and thematic level to determine what the South East's priority transport schemes, initiatives and policies should be and how these should feed into the investment plan.
These sessions will provide our stakeholders with an overview on our Draft SIP and offer an opportunity for you to hear about ways of engaging with our consultation that will be running up until September 2022. We really value our stakeholders opinions and views on this SIP, to help shape the narrative, to be ensure that what we take to government in March 2023, speaks for the whole of the South East.
Event Details
11 July 2022 — 10:00 - 11:30
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